Saturday, April 2, 2016

Ready For a GiveAway?

Hey Hey, We all Love a good Give Away right? Well good because I got one for you: Kona Deep give away!

As you all know, I have been drinking Kona Deep for the past couple of months (as a daily part of hydrating and training) and I want you to drink it too! I have partnered with Kona Deep and they are willing to send ONE lucky winner (chosen at random, U.S. residents only) Kona Deep: Deep Ocean Drinking Water, Case of 12, 1L Bottles no cost to you...

" Electrolytes and minerals are essential to the function of our cells and organs. Kona Deep has a unique blend of naturally occurring deep ocean electrolytes and trace minerals that help keep your body deeply hydrated, balanced and performing as it was meant to." Kona Deep.
Kona Deep: Deep Ocean Drinking Water, Case of 12, 1L Bottles
For your chance to Win: please head over to @Breathebrooke
via Instagram and/or @Breathebrooke via Twitter for your chance to Win.

1. Look for this picture floating around via MY: Instagram & Twitter & FaceBook page.

2. Check out the Kona Deep Website to learn something new.

3. Come back to my Instagram and/or Twitter and/or Facebook post to leave me a comment with (One Fact you learned about Kona Deep.) It's as easy as that!

You have TODAY (April 2,2016) to Participate, so you better Hurry for your chance to Win!!! 

Winner will be picked at random and announced tomorrow( April 3, 2016)


Saturday, March 26, 2016

Treat it like a training day.

What's my mommy going to do??? That's the question???

Are you going to race or treat it like a training day? That was the big question.

First marathon of the year and one to be proud of for many reasons. But, just to name a few: winning in my mind, breaking 4 hours on a training day, and feeling more sore than I've felt in a long time from any run!

Big Island International Marathon aka Hilo Marathon is nothing shy of wonderful. The first time I ran this race was in 2014. The course is truly beautiful. Sometimes it rains, sometimes not. You never know who is going to show up race day to lead the men & women's overall. You run along the ocean, up hills, down hills, through the neighborhood where they cheer from inside their house: you can't see them, but you can hear them. I just wave to acknowledge that I appreciate their support & cheers.

However; this year was different than the last two years. This year, I had to question myself whether or not to race, or treat it like another training day back in Kona. I wasn't sure that mentally I'd be able to go into the start of this marathon and not race it. I wasn't sure I'd know how to treat it like any other training day. Truthfully, I wasn't sure I could control myself from getting caught up in the excitement.

About two weeks prior to the race I got sick. Dealing with an ear & sinus infection, I was unsure if I was going to run the race anyways. I had felt pretty crummy, lacked a week of training - which isn't really that much of a loss, and had been dealing with headaches from hell. I got myself put together the best I could and did exactly as I would have done whether I was sick or not. Hydration & nutrition just as any other day.

I was excited as I got to the starting line. This year it was raining, which I actually enjoy quite a bit. 10 minute start delay due to flooding on course and finally the race began. Immediately, I found my zone. The words began talking in my head " Do not race and Do not chase." It was as if my mind already knew exactly what my body wanted to do for me that day. " Do not race and do not chase" continued playing in my mind every single mile. From that moment, I never questioned what my purpose running Big Island International Marathon was.

My purpose was to treat the marathon like another training day. Deep down in my heart, in my mind, in my body, I knew my 100 miler was/is my goal for the year. These extra races are all added bonuses to my training. Everything I've been learning about ultra distant running has played an important role in training. It's not about speed anymore; it's more about endurance.

Slow & steady finished the race.

The miles ended up slightly faster here and slower there, but considering everything I finished strong. I knew I was a bit more tired from being sick, but "come on and get over this crap already" is what I've been thinking. Ooohhh and I was starving. At mile 24ish, I remember how starving I was. Training for my 100 mile run, I'm learning to eat smaller quantities during the run, but more frequently than I do in just marathon training. I try not to allow myself to reach that point of starving, let alone hungry. It's somewhat different from the typical marathon training & racing I've been used to. But either way, I finished. I treated my marathon just like it was another training day. And now the 100 mile training must continue.............. Ready to get back on track and get to some of these longer mileage run days. Prepping for a 50 mile run is next, according to the plan...

Representing Run Big - Big Island Running Company!

A big congrats to The Big Island International Marathon as they are now a qualifying race for the Boston Marathon. Pretty Cool!!! Come run next year as they also celebrate their 20th year!!

Thanks for the fun weekend Nick, Whistler, and to my sister Bree. Good times with family always helps make things feel better, even when you're not feeling all that well.

Thank you to my Hilo friends for making a point to cheer & chat & snap a few photos, you guys rock!

All smiles

Top 3 female: 3,1,2

Family trip to Big island candies ( prepping for Easter)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

I am going to Run a 100 Miler...UPDATE.

Shoes: Mizuno Wave Catalyst
Shorts: Roxy
Top: With Love From Paradise
Watch: Garmin 

January 5, 2016 I woke up full of excitement and without a doubt I had determined that I am going to run a 100 miler. We are now into the month of March and I am still full of excitement, but not quite sure exactly, what I want to do, exactly. Initially, I had thought I would sign up for the HURT 100 on Oahu, which will be held in January of 2017. (I can't apply until July) The other idea I have playing around with, somewhat of a "crazy" idea, is running my very own 100 miler right here on the Big Island.

My original thoughts included: planning out the 100 mile course right here on the Big Island, where my friends and family could participate: as a spectator, a pacer, or 100 mile runner if so wish. The idea is to create a run course which replicates familiarity and comfortably to that in which I train weekly. An out-in-back course on the Queen K Highway. Why and out-in-back course you might ask? I choose an out-in-back course because I like knowing I have a turnaround. In training, I like that feeling when I reach the halfway point and finally get to make my turnaround. It's almost like the turnaround gives me a new set of legs to run with. It gives me a new sense of what I have already accomplished thus far, and from there I know where the finish is located (no guessing how much further.)

I run along the highway more than anywhere else on this Island. The highway for me, is most comfortable and feels most natural for my body to adapt to. When I go find the trails, I feel out of place, I don't train like I do on the road. I know each terrain is intended to feel different and to be trained differently. I have no problem stepping off the asphalt here and there to run the rocky shoulder of the Queen K. A little off road running down towards the beaches of course, I love that too!!! But what I don't like about trail running, is when I have to get into my car and drive to run. Almost all of my running starts from my house and finishes at my house (out-in-back.)  Whenever I have to drive somewhere, whether it be to a trail or wherever to start my run, I feel like I have to pee more frequently. Then I can't decide if I want to carry my phone with me, and well, I just feel less focused than I do waking up at home and out the door I go. Simple as that!
Bluntly put: I am BORING and I do not need much to excite me.
Do you want to run with me???

Training has been going smoothly for the most part. A few minor setbacks with Sciatica creating some tension and my Peroneal Tendinitis flaring up after some of my more intense days. The Vog not to mention is absolutely ridiculous these days - thank you for the constant headaches. I still am thankful and lucky to live in Hawaii. What I am trying to learn now is BALANCE. Learning how to balance work and training due to the fact they are both fitness related. Teaching fitness and yoga classes add a little more stress to my body, as it would anyone's body. After teaching 3 classes in a row some days, 2 classes other days, 1 class morning and another in the evening other days, and on top of that trying to go run anywhere from 8-14 miles mid afternoon, 5-10 miles in between classes can get a little exhausting. Not to mention what are supposed to be my long and longer runs over the weekend. Actually I look most forward to my long and longer runs.
I love the distance stuff. My body usually loves the distance stuff too.
I AM NOT COMPLAINING I PROMISE - just being honest about my kind of training. Answering some of the questions I get from my readers.

I realize this is all a part of my life, the life I am living. This is part of the process of running a 100 miler. Learning to balance work, family, training, and the everyday pieces of life. I am realizing family is not interfering with my training, if anything they do their best to help me train, they tend to be quite patient with me and my kind of crazy. The most challenging aspect I am encountering is teaching fitness and trying to run all in the same day. It feels some days I don't get enough of a rest, I don't get the adequate amount of recovery 100 milers require or recommend. Into the month of March and I am exploring my options. I'm thinking I may have to cut back on some running days, not work, because well I love to teach  and well, I get paid to teach fitness and yoga, not running.

I am observing which days tend to be my higher volume days teaching and less volume days running and vise a versa. This month I am switching some things around to see if my body adapts a bit better. I have already made progress in the fact that I now can run any time of day without having a major bowel episode. This is huge for me, I used to not run any time other than early morning due to the fact that my stomach couldn't handle running after eating a regular lunch meal. Running later in the day required bathroom stops almost always, whereas, now I am beginning to adapt to more substance (liquids & solids nutrition) in my system, and running in the heat of the day. All in which I need to be more comfortable with leading up to the 100 mile day anyhow.
I am learning to eat more frequently in smaller quantities while running. I am trying some new nutritional ideas, but mostly sticking with Vega, Bonkbreaker, Nutrex Hawaii, and Kona Deep products. Oh and do not forget Pickle Juice! I like me some Pickle Juice!!!

One of my latest and Super Spirulina Yummy Recipes that I have been making for Pre & Post Fueling:

  • Oats
  • Coconut Oil
  • Honey
  • Hawaiian Spirulina Protein Shake 
  • Sea salt
Mix the ingredients altogether into your processor. Blend until ingredients are smooth. Add a little extra coconut oil at the end to help hold the ingredients together as you roll them into balls. Place into a container. Put into the freezer. Let them sit about 5 minutes outside of the freezer before you are ready to eat them, so they can thaw a little. Enjoy!

I have been reading a lot from: Relentless Forward Progress (A Guide to running Ultramarathons) each chapter is full of useful material (I highly recommend reading, just as it was recommended to me.) 
The more I lean towards creating my own 100 miler, I know that I am training the terrain most like the actual run I will be doing. Lots of great information about everything in this book. This book is like a really good teacher that lets you ask any question without feeling stupid. The fact that I want to run my own 100 mile race, totally not stupid according to Relentless Forward Progress. It is an overall great guide!

As far as shoes go, I am still 4 years faithful to Mizuno
I switch up my run shoes between:
  • Wave Sayonara 2
  • Wave Sayonara 3
  • Wave Catalyst
  • Wave Rider 19

"Freedom is the miles I'm rolling on"

Highlights: I know this may sound superficial, but it was pretty exciting for me to have this exact picture re-posted by Mizuno via Instagram. Follow them on IG! 

And to have the experience to try out the New Wave Catalyst by Mizuno (which I love.) Great Shoes! Thank you!

Now that I have given you an update, I am going to ask who wants to Run with me??? 
I will let you stretch with me after too!!!

Post Running: Stretch/Yoga 
Follow along or simply watch for your entertainment.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Your Tea: Her Tea Review

If there is a tea for this and a tea for that, Your Tea sure has it all...
Her Tea ( everyday tea) has a fresh array of ingredients including: Oolong Tea, Ren Shen, Ju Hua, Du Song Guo, Wu Wei Zi, Xun Yi Cao, Gou Qi.

During my experience using Her Tea, I felt like I had a better sense of awareness, less mood swings, and more energy! More energy is exactly what I need. I am mom, a yoga & fitness instructor always on the move. Finding a sense of balance can be challenging every now and again. It was refreshing to know I could rely on Her Tea to get me through my day.

I was most happy with the fact that when I sipped on Her Tea it didn't leave my stomach feeling bloated or full. It was quite the opposite actually. I felt very relaxed with my digestive system. 

If you are searching for a refreshing tea exactly for your needs, search no more. 
Visit Your Tea today. They have a wide variety of teas to choose from: Her Tea, Man Tea, Tiny Tea, Happy Tea, Mood Tea, Body Tea, Cafe Tea, Sex Tea (Yes they even have one for that!!!)


Definitely enjoyed my experience drinking Your Tea and I know you will too!

Brooke Myers
@breathebrooke via Instagram & Twitter


Friday, February 12, 2016

Put a little "Spring into your Friday / Everyday" with PrAna

Misty Knickers by PrAna (bluesign®)

Versatile, light-weight, creative, and beyond flexible.... No, I am not talking about my yoga abilities, although I would like to think I am beyond flexible. I am talking about an incredible company that produces stylish and sustainable clothing and accessories that you can wear during every activity, every adventure, every single day.  
PrAna takes pride in their production of men and women's wear and accessories. 
They seek their own adventures, from which, they can base their own designs off of.  
Once those designs are produced, you and I can make a purchase from their store to our very own closets. 

I love when I look into my closet and see all the yoga leggings and active-wear I get to choose from each and every day. I get to pick what I want to wear and in that moment it will express who " I Am." Each pair of leggings, feels like it, was designed specifically for me. Each top hanging from the hanger, made for me. I guess that's what makes one company stand out more than another: the way the article of clothing looks, feels, and adapts to my own personal needs, makes it feel like it was made exactly for me. 

"When you reach into your closet, there should be something there that reflects who you are, how you feel, and what you value most. There should be something that you can put on in the morning and confidently wear all day long. Something you can throw in your bag and know will work for whatever your journey brings." PrAna

In 2012, PrAna began a partnership with bluesign® systems to ensure that the fabric they were using would meet the highest environmental and human safety standards. Do you know what this means? For the individuals who love those bright colors, you can now wear them without the fear of polluting the air and water with harsh chemicals. Thank goodness because many of my yoga adventures lead me near the ocean. And quite often I either fall or jump in... Check out the PrAna website for more details in regards to their commitment to making beautiful and sustainable and functional product they love, I love, you love, we all LOVE.

With Spring just around the corner, now is a great time to revamp your closet! 
Shop @PrAna and use my discount code now: PSSS16BB for 15% off! Ready, Set, Shop......

#PrAnaSpringStyle #sweatpink #Fitapproach

Have a beautiful weekend ~

Brooke Myers
@breathebrooke via Instagram and Twitter

Friday, February 5, 2016

H2 OH Really

Do you Drink Water? I sure hope you answered Yes!
Whether you are a fitness junkie or couch potato, you should know the importance of hydration. If you don't, well you better head on over to Kona Deep (they know whats UP.) Within your first sip, YOU Will Know WHATS UP! No Second thought about it!!

This year, 2016, is a new year for me with big and bigger dreams that I am planing every single day. I want to make sure that my journey consists of and contains, the best of the best, as I train for my first 100 mile run. I have been running marathons and practicing yoga and into the fitness lifestyle for years. I have experienced fitness from all angles (healthy, not healthy, forcing fitness, to loving and enjoying fitness.) You don't have to be an expert to know what makes your body feel better. I by no means am any kind of expert: I learn from experience and listening to my own body. You probably can tell when you eat or drink something, how your body responds or doesn't respond to that food or drink. You just have to pay attention to your body and listen to its needs. I started to incorporate Kona Deep into ALL aspects of my daily lifestyle only weeks ago after I took my first sip. I have already noticed by using Kona Deep, my body is performing better. Keeping it well hydrated, is important for my performance in my running shoes or on my yoga mat. With Kona Deep - You no longer have to choose between purity and performance. Unlike the other engineered performance waters that add their electrolytes artificially, Kona Deep has NOTHING ADDED and NOTHING ARTIFICIAL. Kona Deep is the delicious blend of naturally pure and performance-driven deep ocean water.

Great! Exactly what I want when it comes to living a healthy hydrated lifestyle!!! Exactly what I want while training for my very first 100 miler!!! Exactly what I want for all of you!!!

Electrolytes are crucial for hydration and body balance. Kona Deep is naturally rich with deep ocean electrolytes due to the fact that it travels the globe along the ocean floor. On its journey, it collects electrolytes and other trace minerals. The purity of this water results from prolonged cold and darkness from far below the ocean's surface.

Kona Deep® contains:
  • Deep ocean water sourced 3,000 feet off the coast of Kona that’s brought to the surface, desalinated, and bottled at the source
  • Naturally-occurring electrolytes essential to life and health
  • Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) count of 250
  • Natural pH of 6.7, close to the human body’s own levels
  • Nothing added

I have witnessed in some of my Heated Yoga classes people feeling like they are about to pass out; their immediate reaction to the feeling is to blame the heat (which yes it could very well be a little too much depending on how the body is feeling), but at the same time it could have nothing to do the with heat and everything to do with an electrolyte imbalance. Have you yogis thought of that? If you are one who tends to fatigue or feel light headed in a heated yoga class or even a non heated yoga class, why don't you start incorporating electrolytes into your practice. Again, may I remind you with Kona Deep there are no artificially added anythings to the water. Rest Assured.

How lucky am I and many of you living right here on this very island to be able to pass by the Kona Deep cooperation on any given day if we would like. Whenever I run or head to the beach (down by the Energy Lab area) for a little rest and relaxation after a day of training, I am reminded by the cooperation to hydrate. Hydrate with our very own Hawaii based bottled water (Kona Deep) company founded by locals themselves.

If you believe it's time to RETHINK YOUR WATER and try Kona Deep, well then you are in luck because it is now available at a variety of local Hawaiian retailers, including grocery stores such as Foodland, Safeway, and KTA, convenience stores like Minit Stop, natural stores, such as Down to Earth, and military exchanges like AAFES, in 500mL and 1L bottles. Consumers can also purchase 12 and 24-bottle cases of Kona Deep in store or online at The brand will begin to roll out into other mainland U.S. markets in 2016. Keep your eyes open in a store near you.
For a full list of retail locations, and more information, please visit and the brand on Twitter @konadeep

Whether you are running, practicing yoga, riding your bike, surfing, competing in a triathlon, skiing, playing soccer, weightlifting, or splashing in the waves, you need to hydrate. Your body deserves quality! Your body deserves Kona Deep...
Be sure to click the link and get your Kona Deep coupon today:

Listen to this: As a part of my partnership with Kona Deep, I get to pick one of my wonderful followers to WIN a 12 pack of bottled Kona Deep water - I'll be choosing only ONE lucky follower on Instagram.  Please follow me @breathebooke on Instagram for all of the details on this #contest

*** This contest will only be open to USA residents, must be 18 to enter. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO WIN. *** This promotion is in NO way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with Instagram!

Here's what two Kona kids have to say
About Kona Deep (All words came exactly from their own little mouths)


Brooke Myers
@breathbrooke  Instagram

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Kona Deep.

Friday, January 22, 2016

I am going to Run a 100 miler...

I want to run 100 miles and nothing is going to stop me! There, I said it and I have been saying it since I woke up on January 5, 2016. 

I woke up early that morning and could barely contain myself. I could feel this insane, intense feeling in my chest. That type of feeling that makes you question whether you are okay or not. I knew I was okay, I was better than okay. The thoughts about running a 100 mile race were so strong in my heart and in my head like never before. I felt more alive than I had felt all last year. I wanted to talk about it, I wanted to write about it, HELL I wanted to sing about it (but if I sing, no one would want to listen unfortunately :)

In 2014, sometime after running my first 50k, I felt like I wanted to go more. do more. run more. The thoughts about long distance running would pop in and out of my mind, occasionally. I think I even talked with a couple of people with experience in this area. I talked with a couple of people with a lack of experience in this area (which may not have been the best idea at the time, as those few individuals tried to talk me out of it. They tried to convince me that it was too much on my body, too intense.

At that time, I didn't realize I wasn't ready. It wasn't until later in the year, that I had come to recognize that I wasn't. As I look back, I see how I allowed those few individuals to talk me out of running ultras. Even worse, I allowed myself, to talk me out of my own dream. 
Honestly, if you talk yourself out of your own dreams or you allow someone else to, then you might want to question whether you were ever really ready in the first place. I was never ready until NOW!

I can tell its different this time around, because I want to share my thoughts and my ideas with my friends and my family. I want to read everything I can and learn everything I can about Ultra Running. I am seeking advice and opinions from other ultra runners and I find it so motivating. I feel driven to continue on this #100mile journey no matter who is there to support it or not. Whether I am alone or running with hundreds of other crazy beautiful runners such as myself, I am going to accomplish 100 miles...

An Ultramarathon, also called ultra distance, is any footrace longer than the traditional marathon length of 26.2 miles. From 2007-2015 I have run and completed (not always with pride or a sense of good feeling)but completed every race I have entered. I have completed a total of 11 marathon distances and run and completed 2 50k ultra distances. The majority of these races that I have completed took place after giving birth to my son in 2010. 

I mention my son, because after having him, my running changed. I changed. Running for me prior to having Whistler, was more about my Eating Disorder than about having passion for running. I would force myself to run in order to become this "skinny" female I so desperately wanted to become. I allowed my Eating Disorder to control me. When I found out I was pregnant, I changed. I began seeking a healthy lifestyle that would no longer encourage my Eating Disorder to come along with me. Once Whistler was born, we began a new running adventure together. Well, I would do the running and Whistler would either sleep, eat, cry occasionally, or play toys while kicking back in his chariot. He became my very favorite running partner I have ever ever EVER had! In 2012, he and I trained for my first marathon since 2008 (my first marathon since giving birth); yes he would be pushed a full 18 miles during training runs with me, as I trained to go run the 2012 Honolulu Marathon. Whistler was my motivation and my reason that I FELL IN LOVE WITH RUNNING. If I could, I would still be pushing his 5 almost 6 year old butt, with me on my training runs. 

Whistler taking a break during one of our many runs together back in the day. (Highly recommend for mothers/fathers to purchase the Chariot! Greatest investment!!)

2012, when I wore K-Swiss running shoes, bought my first Garmin, and ran many of my miles with Whistler. Training for Honolulu Marathon 2012.

My first experience running something longer than a marathon took place January 2014, as I ran the Hilo to Volcano 50k, climbing from sea level to 4,000 ft elevation. It was an emotional run that was a little sloppy best put. None the less, I finished. I returned to run this race once again January 2015 with more experience and more knowledge of what to expect. The race was incredible both mentally and physically. I ran myself into finishing first female with a time of 4:38:05. I was and still am proud of that moment in my life. Unfortunately, I was not able to return this year for a 3rd go at the HTV50k. With our new business ( Velofix Hawaii ) and changes in our life, I thought it was best to prioritize financially. 

Which leads me into the discussion of which Ultra distance race will I be choosing for my first 100 miler. To be quite honest, living in Hawaii, is yes an incredible opportunity that I do not take for granite, but it has its cost. If I am going to run my first 100 miler, I want Nick and Whistler to be with me cheering and supporting me along the miles. Flying from Hawaii to the mainland is a not a cheap flight individually, let alone a family of three. Depending on our financial status this year I may or may not be able to travel far, but with that said, I wont give up on my dream of running 100 miles. HURT 100 Endurance Run, is on Oahu near the middle of January, so I could train and plan to run Hurt 100 in 2017 (that would also depend on if I get in or not, as HURT 100 is a based on a lottery) or.............. I had thought about doing this race back in 2014, but was convinced its the most dangerous and crazy race. I was told not to think about doing HURT 100 as my first 100 miler. The thought of running in HURT, has never truly left my mind. Deep down inside of me still holds a little piece of interest, curiosity, and "oh I still, really want to do it." 
I will keep you posted on how this plays out and fits in or not with my plans.

Here is my idea: an idea I am very set on and completely content with announcing. I want to organize my very on 100 mile run right here on the Big Island. Why not? Our Island is beautiful and full of crazy beautiful adventurous runners/athletes. The Big Island is home for the Ironman World Championships and the Ultra Man World Championships. This island is full of adventurous athletes that do endurance like training every single day. Here is what I am thinking: I will plan out my distance from start to finish, I will plan the time frame/month I would like to accomplish my 100 mile run, and I will invite anyone to run with me if they would like. But it gets better, I want to run for all of those beautiful individuals that have or had or know someone who has an Eating Disorder. I want to run for everyone of you. I will dedicate my run to my dream of healing this ridiculous and painful disorder. I want to run every mile for all the years that an Eating Disorder destroyed my life. I am stronger than my Eating Disorder and so are all of you (who have or had an ED.) I want to get in touch with NEDA and organize a fundraiser in honor of Eating Disorder/ Mental Health Awareness. Last year, I was trying to organize a NEDA Walk on the Big Island and kind of freaked out with a bunch of nerves. Needless to say, the idea fell through. I continue to get stronger, so I'll do my best to get something in the works and keep all of you posted with all of my ideas in regards to this too. (Ideas be like...EVERYWHERE!)

I don't need to go spend a ton of money to travel to a race just to run. I can throw on my shoes and pack my goodies and run on my own. Or take turns by having family or friends run some miles with me if they would like. I have never been one of those athletes that chase the medals. I don't run for medals. I run to better myself and challenge myself. I run to see how far I have come and what I am capable of accomplishing. I do not need a medal at the end of the finish line to tell me I finished. All I need is an incredible thought in my head that says - I did it!!!

Training is already in effect and I am feeling stronger than I thought I would be. I was already prepared for another 50k distance, so I have continued my training based off of that. I have collaborated with two/three different training plans: one that prepares you for a 50 miler and the next that is a continuation of the 50 miler in prep for the 100 miles. By the end of this training and of course a continuation of educating myself along the way, I should be both mentally and physically prepared to run 100 miles OR lets hope I am. I know some of you might be laughing at me right now for this idea of mine (I have laughed at myself too), but I don't care. I feel confident knowing some pretty incredible people right here in Kona, that are willing to give me guidance along my journey. Better yet, I feel comfortable talking with them about my ideas and listening to them about their ideas they have had too. Listening to these individuals that tell me what is next on the list for them (like one individual who recently mentioned to me he is getting ready to go do a Double Ultra Man.) Now that is Freaking Awesome!  It Inspires me to DREAM/plan more. We all have ideas that sometimes work out and sometimes not so much. Without a DREAM, without some kind of goal, I would continue to do the same thing I have always done year after year. I want this year of 2016 to be different; I want 2016 to have more meaning, more life, more fun, more Happy, more inspiration, more motivation, more ideas, more more more more more more.......................................not just for me, but for all of you too!

This #100Mile journey I am on, is a learning experience or rather an Experience of so much more. Learning how to train my mind and body for something I consider so incredibly EPIC! I bought my first Ultra Running book Relentless Forward Progress (still waiting for it to arrive), educating myself, practicing nutrition so I can get it dialed in even better than I already have (Thinking of taking a some pickle juice with me this weekend on my back to back training runs) and making sure to rest and recover when I can. I finally ordered a new Garmin that lasts longer than 4.5 hours of training. Yippy! Although, I am waiting for that to arrive too (the Garmin Forerunner 230 - 16 hours or battery life in training mode.) And then of course I will continue to run in Mizuno's that I purchase from Big Island Running Company because well, I trust Jason's input and advice and knowledge. 

In my heart, the best part of planning my own 100 mile run, is that Nick and Whistler get to be a part of it with me. My support system, my support crew. And my friends, if they so wish to join in for a mile or two (run or walk), will surely be invited too. You are more than welcome to train with me if you wish! My long miles, slower pace could use some good conversation. (thank you to those of you who have already accompanied me for a few miles already - you know who you are.)

I want this adventure to be fun. When running doesn't feel fun anymore, that is when I will question why I do it. Running is supposed to be fun and full of challenges and experiences that light you up like a thousand fireworks.  And I'm ready to shoot across the sky :)

"Cause baby, you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go, oh
You're gonna leave 'em falling down"
Katy Perry

May this journey continue to grow and inspire. May you continue to follow & motivate me along the way. Keep an eye out for more details and ideas that come up and please share your ideas with me this year too! (Ideas you have for yourself, or even thoughts that you want to share about my ideas.)

Much love to all of you,

Brooke Myers