Friday, February 12, 2016

Put a little "Spring into your Friday / Everyday" with PrAna

Misty Knickers by PrAna (bluesign®)

Versatile, light-weight, creative, and beyond flexible.... No, I am not talking about my yoga abilities, although I would like to think I am beyond flexible. I am talking about an incredible company that produces stylish and sustainable clothing and accessories that you can wear during every activity, every adventure, every single day.  
PrAna takes pride in their production of men and women's wear and accessories. 
They seek their own adventures, from which, they can base their own designs off of.  
Once those designs are produced, you and I can make a purchase from their store to our very own closets. 

I love when I look into my closet and see all the yoga leggings and active-wear I get to choose from each and every day. I get to pick what I want to wear and in that moment it will express who " I Am." Each pair of leggings, feels like it, was designed specifically for me. Each top hanging from the hanger, made for me. I guess that's what makes one company stand out more than another: the way the article of clothing looks, feels, and adapts to my own personal needs, makes it feel like it was made exactly for me. 

"When you reach into your closet, there should be something there that reflects who you are, how you feel, and what you value most. There should be something that you can put on in the morning and confidently wear all day long. Something you can throw in your bag and know will work for whatever your journey brings." PrAna

In 2012, PrAna began a partnership with bluesign® systems to ensure that the fabric they were using would meet the highest environmental and human safety standards. Do you know what this means? For the individuals who love those bright colors, you can now wear them without the fear of polluting the air and water with harsh chemicals. Thank goodness because many of my yoga adventures lead me near the ocean. And quite often I either fall or jump in... Check out the PrAna website for more details in regards to their commitment to making beautiful and sustainable and functional product they love, I love, you love, we all LOVE.

With Spring just around the corner, now is a great time to revamp your closet! 
Shop @PrAna and use my discount code now: PSSS16BB for 15% off! Ready, Set, Shop......

#PrAnaSpringStyle #sweatpink #Fitapproach

Have a beautiful weekend ~

Brooke Myers
@breathebrooke via Instagram and Twitter

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