Tuesday, March 8, 2016

I am going to Run a 100 Miler...UPDATE.

Shoes: Mizuno Wave Catalyst
Shorts: Roxy
Top: With Love From Paradise
Watch: Garmin 

January 5, 2016 I woke up full of excitement and without a doubt I had determined that I am going to run a 100 miler. We are now into the month of March and I am still full of excitement, but not quite sure exactly, what I want to do, exactly. Initially, I had thought I would sign up for the HURT 100 on Oahu, which will be held in January of 2017. (I can't apply until July) The other idea I have playing around with, somewhat of a "crazy" idea, is running my very own 100 miler right here on the Big Island.

My original thoughts included: planning out the 100 mile course right here on the Big Island, where my friends and family could participate: as a spectator, a pacer, or 100 mile runner if so wish. The idea is to create a run course which replicates familiarity and comfortably to that in which I train weekly. An out-in-back course on the Queen K Highway. Why and out-in-back course you might ask? I choose an out-in-back course because I like knowing I have a turnaround. In training, I like that feeling when I reach the halfway point and finally get to make my turnaround. It's almost like the turnaround gives me a new set of legs to run with. It gives me a new sense of what I have already accomplished thus far, and from there I know where the finish is located (no guessing how much further.)

I run along the highway more than anywhere else on this Island. The highway for me, is most comfortable and feels most natural for my body to adapt to. When I go find the trails, I feel out of place, I don't train like I do on the road. I know each terrain is intended to feel different and to be trained differently. I have no problem stepping off the asphalt here and there to run the rocky shoulder of the Queen K. A little off road running down towards the beaches of course, I love that too!!! But what I don't like about trail running, is when I have to get into my car and drive to run. Almost all of my running starts from my house and finishes at my house (out-in-back.)  Whenever I have to drive somewhere, whether it be to a trail or wherever to start my run, I feel like I have to pee more frequently. Then I can't decide if I want to carry my phone with me, and well, I just feel less focused than I do waking up at home and out the door I go. Simple as that!
Bluntly put: I am BORING and I do not need much to excite me.
Do you want to run with me???

Training has been going smoothly for the most part. A few minor setbacks with Sciatica creating some tension and my Peroneal Tendinitis flaring up after some of my more intense days. The Vog not to mention is absolutely ridiculous these days - thank you for the constant headaches. I still am thankful and lucky to live in Hawaii. What I am trying to learn now is BALANCE. Learning how to balance work and training due to the fact they are both fitness related. Teaching fitness and yoga classes add a little more stress to my body, as it would anyone's body. After teaching 3 classes in a row some days, 2 classes other days, 1 class morning and another in the evening other days, and on top of that trying to go run anywhere from 8-14 miles mid afternoon, 5-10 miles in between classes can get a little exhausting. Not to mention what are supposed to be my long and longer runs over the weekend. Actually I look most forward to my long and longer runs.
I love the distance stuff. My body usually loves the distance stuff too.
I AM NOT COMPLAINING I PROMISE - just being honest about my kind of training. Answering some of the questions I get from my readers.

I realize this is all a part of my life, the life I am living. This is part of the process of running a 100 miler. Learning to balance work, family, training, and the everyday pieces of life. I am realizing family is not interfering with my training, if anything they do their best to help me train, they tend to be quite patient with me and my kind of crazy. The most challenging aspect I am encountering is teaching fitness and trying to run all in the same day. It feels some days I don't get enough of a rest, I don't get the adequate amount of recovery 100 milers require or recommend. Into the month of March and I am exploring my options. I'm thinking I may have to cut back on some running days, not work, because well I love to teach  and well, I get paid to teach fitness and yoga, not running.

I am observing which days tend to be my higher volume days teaching and less volume days running and vise a versa. This month I am switching some things around to see if my body adapts a bit better. I have already made progress in the fact that I now can run any time of day without having a major bowel episode. This is huge for me, I used to not run any time other than early morning due to the fact that my stomach couldn't handle running after eating a regular lunch meal. Running later in the day required bathroom stops almost always, whereas, now I am beginning to adapt to more substance (liquids & solids nutrition) in my system, and running in the heat of the day. All in which I need to be more comfortable with leading up to the 100 mile day anyhow.
I am learning to eat more frequently in smaller quantities while running. I am trying some new nutritional ideas, but mostly sticking with Vega, Bonkbreaker, Nutrex Hawaii, and Kona Deep products. Oh and do not forget Pickle Juice! I like me some Pickle Juice!!!

One of my latest and Super Spirulina Yummy Recipes that I have been making for Pre & Post Fueling:

  • Oats
  • Coconut Oil
  • Honey
  • Hawaiian Spirulina Protein Shake 
  • Sea salt
Mix the ingredients altogether into your processor. Blend until ingredients are smooth. Add a little extra coconut oil at the end to help hold the ingredients together as you roll them into balls. Place into a container. Put into the freezer. Let them sit about 5 minutes outside of the freezer before you are ready to eat them, so they can thaw a little. Enjoy!

I have been reading a lot from: Relentless Forward Progress (A Guide to running Ultramarathons) each chapter is full of useful material (I highly recommend reading, just as it was recommended to me.) 
The more I lean towards creating my own 100 miler, I know that I am training the terrain most like the actual run I will be doing. Lots of great information about everything in this book. This book is like a really good teacher that lets you ask any question without feeling stupid. The fact that I want to run my own 100 mile race, totally not stupid according to Relentless Forward Progress. It is an overall great guide!

As far as shoes go, I am still 4 years faithful to Mizuno
I switch up my run shoes between:
  • Wave Sayonara 2
  • Wave Sayonara 3
  • Wave Catalyst
  • Wave Rider 19

"Freedom is the miles I'm rolling on"

Highlights: I know this may sound superficial, but it was pretty exciting for me to have this exact picture re-posted by Mizuno via Instagram. Follow them on IG! 

And to have the experience to try out the New Wave Catalyst by Mizuno (which I love.) Great Shoes! Thank you!

Now that I have given you an update, I am going to ask who wants to Run with me??? 
I will let you stretch with me after too!!!

Post Running: Stretch/Yoga 
Follow along or simply watch for your entertainment.

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