Thursday, October 4, 2018

Even The Smallest Change Adds Up!


Hey there Friends & Family,

For those of you who do not know me, just a quick introduction: my name is Brooke.
I have been living in Hawaii since 2006. Soon after my move to the Big Island I met Nick.
We now have two children: Whistler is 8 and Hutson almost 2. How's that for quick?

We live in Hawaii with windows wide opened year around, no air conditioner running up our electric bill. Something we have greatly taken advantage of. But all of that has recently changed soon after Kilauea's most recent eruption on May 3, of 2018. Due to the volcanic eruption, air pollution caused by the volcanic emissions from Kīlauea Volcano, which are primarily water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas. As SO2 has been released. How does this sound for environmentally friendly? It's not!

We refer to this hazy air pollution as "Vog". Not everyone is affected by vog the same way.
Well long story short, my family and I were greatly affected. I won't go into details as this is not what my post is all about. But I will say because of the vog we began using our air conditioner in the house (Not energy efficient at all.)  It has been quite depressing closing up our windows, but we knew we had to protect our health. We all know air conditioning isn't helping save the planet. It doesn't save on energy and most definitely does not save on cash. Due to this higher electric bill we were now facing, I began searching for other ways to cut cost in our family and I began thinking of ways I could make a change.I admit this all began with an idea to cut costs as I mentioned, however, soon into this little change it soon became more and more about making a real life change. Making a change that would have some sort of positive impact on the environment and its people. A positive impact in our family.

People all around the world are doing small things to help make a change. These people are not necessarily rich in money, but they are rich in heart and environmental issues. Maybe there is something I can do right here at home, right here in Hawaii. For instance: A couple of months ago I decided to hang my clothes on a line outdoors. Maybe not using the dryer isn't the biggest change in the world, but it is a change. I used to hang clothing out all the time and got out of the habit. Why? I don't really know, just moved in a different direction.

My goal is to make as many small changes that will eventually one day lead up to great big changes. Being diligent about how much water we use while brushing our teeth, using rainwater to water for the plants as often as we can, and using leftover water from our hydroflasks to pour on our plants rather than down the drains. Even the smallest changes add up! This is what I keep telling myself. This is what I am hearing from others who are involved in making a change. Think small steps, baby steps. Okay I can think in small steps, I thought to myself.

In making these changes I have also considered researching different types of clothing.
Instead of just buying to buy, I am going to dig a little deeper into different companies. I want to choose and work with companies that believe they can make a positive change in the world. I want to work with companies that will go the extra depth to get their hands dirty to produce and provide sustainable, versatile, and durable clothing that will support peoples adventures all around the world. I want to support clothing companies, companies in general, that will support my adventures right here in Hawaii! I want to wear clothing that will NOT negatively impact the environment. I want to see that other companies like PrAna are also trying to help give back, protect, and serve in a positive way.

Let me just ask you this: Have you heard of PrAna  If you have not and know nothing about their Sustainability Movement, will you please click on this link and take a few minutes to read. Please! On behalf of PrAna and myself we would greatly appreciate your time.

Now I understand making changes is going to take more than my hanging clothes out to dry on the line, not using the air conditioner, and monitoring the amount of water we use. I get it, I really do. But like I said and like PrAna believes, even the smallest change adds up. I believe this to be true too!

I believe in and will continue to support PrAna's movement.
I choose to wear their apparel for as long as I am living. I started wearing PrAna in 2015. I remember putting on my first pair of leggings and instantly falling in love. I fell in love with the fit & feel long before I even knew or understood what this company was actually about.
There are many activities in which you can choose from as PrAna supports all kinds of adventures. Adventures such as: Yoga, Hiking, Climbing, Activewear, Travel, and Swimwear.

My most recent PrAna collection I was so kindly gifted with is not only super cozy, hence its' name,
Cozy Up Zip Up Jacket colored in equinox blue heather, but it is made from cardiff fleece, 55% hemp, 25% recycled polyester, and 20% lenzing.
I also received an even more super cozy super soft pair of Cozy Up Pants in Charcoal Heather constructed from hemp/recycled polyester blend. Oh and lets not forget my Cozy Up Sweatshirt also in equinox blue heather, also a hemp blend sweatshirt. Three pieces in which I can mix and match for different adventures like yoga ing around the Big Island, or simply snuggling my children.
PrAna seriously makes some of the softest clothing I have ever worn. Sometimes I come home and switch into my cozy up pants just because they are that cozy! Almost always you will see me wearing something from PrAna...If you are wondering what to buy me for my birthday which is just around the corner, I am giving you a hint!! Lol!!!

As I mentioned I do have two children, two very busy active children that keep me on my toes.
It is comforting to know I can throw on a pair PrAna leggings, a light an active t-shirt, flip flops, and keep up with these two as if I were just as young. For many reasons I highly rate this company as a company that serves, provides, and gives. I seriously rate everything I have purchased or been gifted from PrAna with FIVE STARS!! I would highly recommend this company to all of my family & friends!  Not only do they have excellent clothing for all adventures as I mentioned before, but they have excellent customer service too!! Quality customer service is important, would you agree?

I am so impressed with my new styles that I went back online quickly after receiving my gifts to purchase a new wardrobe! Lol!! I wish I could afford to purchase every single thing PrAna has to offer, but for now I am seriously grateful for what I do have. I am also very grateful for the opportunity to support PrAna and work with FitApproach on behalf of this years Fall Campaign 2018. Always my pleasure reviewing something I 100% support... If you have any questions for me please feel free to send me a message and if you wear PrAna I would love to hear your thoughts...


Just a few of my collections:

For more videos & adventures -

Meet the ambassadors -

Monday, January 8, 2018

What it feels like to "DNF"

This past Friday my family and I took a road trip to Hilo. As always, we enjoyed the drive over Saddle Back Road & of course a quick pit stop by the Mauna Kea Park so the kiddos could play and I guess so I could stretch my legs and pee for like the one hundredth time this morning. 

We planned this trip so I could run the Hilo to Volcano 50k. This was now going to be my third time back racing #HTV50K
I last ran this race in 2014 (My first time finishing 5:44:43) and a again in 2015 (running with a finishing time of 4:38:05) 
This is the race that gave me my first taste of ultra distant running. This race inspired me to train for a 100 hundred miler (which I have Not yet accomplished.)

I hear a "third time is the charm" unfortunately that wasn't the case for me. Instead my third shot a racing this 50k led me to my first DNF.

What it feels like to "DNF" let me tell you all about my experience.

I'm going to skip the "Before The Race" preparations for you and get right to the details of what led me to quit.

It's still a bit hard to swallow the word quit. To be honest it feels like taking a bite of the a very sour piece of candy and no matter how many times I brush I'm left with a really really bad taste in my mouth.

I've decided to write about my experience while it is still fresh in my mind and also before I decide not to talk about it at all. It's not the easiest experience to chat about, but I think it's necessary. I think it's necessary because it is a part of my life, a part of my fitness journey.  For those of you who know me, I'm not a quitter, but quitting this race honestly felt like the only option I had.

Here is my story:

The race began at 6 a.m., it was cold and dark. Right off the bat a couple came up to me and introduced themselves to me after they had taken a look and thought I was my sister Bree (I get this quite often.) Nick and my two kids were in the car ready to go as they were my sag for this race. My son was was all excited and ready with my nutritional needs in the backseat by him. I was beyond excited for this race feeling quite good mind and body. A little nervous about how my young daughter would respond every time I pass by the car whether or not she would cry or be okay watching me run by. I knew my kids were in great hands and Nick was in complete control.

My running partner Tonya and I planned to run the first five miles together. We wanted to start off easy paced in preparation for the rest of the race. As usual, Tonya was quite chatty and very ambitious to start running. She shared with me a few of her nerves and I just kept telling her calm down relax relax. She always makes me smile though and running with her is nothing shy of fun times.
Anyways, we ran the first five miles together and then decided to part ways. I broke my 50k down into 5 Mile increments. Each mile seemed to pass by a little quicker than the other. The rain began about mile 8 and of course I was absolutely freezing. I don't know how you Mountain Trail Runners and those in the snowy States survive. I have always lived in warm climate States like Florida and Hawaii, so running in the cold does not do my bones very good. But let it be known this is not the reason why I quit my race. As I started running into Mile 10 I noticed quite a sharp intense pain running up my right side leg. The pain didn't want to let up and only got worse and worse as I continued to climb. This pain felt somewhat similar to the ending of my Honolulu Marathon finish, but worse. With each step I took the pain was shooting in my right knee, proceeded up the back of my hamstring, and into my butt and my lower right back. I knew the pain was there, but I continued to run hoping it would back off eventually. I thought maybe it was my sciatica acting up. I didn't want to say anything to my family because I was nervous with how they would respond.
I was so excited every time I got to the car and I saw my family there waiting for me and my son running up to me "mom do you need water""mom you need salts?" He is such an amazing little boy and truly inspired me with running years ago.

My heart was so full of joy and happiness. I was with my most favorite people doing one of my most favorite things I love to do. The pain in my right leg would not let up no matter how hard I tried, no matter how slow I went, no matter how fast I went. At one point I said to Nick and the kids "my right leg hurts I don't know what to do."
My leg was in so much pain I really did not know what to or if I should continue. I took a moment to stretch it out. My family convinced me to keep going. So I did.

It's funny because my head was there and my nutrition was there, but my body just would not do what I wanted it to do or needed it to do for me. I remember around mile 12 mile 13, the pain was so bad I wanted to cry, but I saw the look in my son's eyes and I knew I had to keep going. The thought of a DNF did not feel good. I didn't want to imagine myself not crossing the finish line. I wasn't quite sure what else to do, but quit. I didn't want to disappoint my family. I didn't want them to think quitting is referred to as a good thing.
The thought of walking crossed my mind yes, but the thought of leaving my family in the car for the remainder of the miles as I walked did not seem like the right thing to do. Truthfully the amount of pain I felt in my leg, walking really didn't seem like the right thing to do. My legs felt like I couldn't hardly move them forwards. My hip flexors were so tight. I kinda got worried about losing my balance at one point. I felt like I tried all I could try to keep moving forwards, to keep putting one for in front of the other. Nothing seemed to work.

That look kills me ( This is when I knew I was pulling out of the race, I was quitting, I was going to DNF)

At Mile 20.5 I looked at my family and I just said I can't do this anymore. I walked around to the other side of the car turned my Garmin off and I knew my day was done. My daughter was crying so I came and sat next to her in the backseat of the car. I finished feeding her her bottle that Nick had already started. I felt numb. I felt frozen in my wet rained out clothing. I kept telling my family how so sorry I was, so sorry for letting them down. Whistler asked me if I was sure I wanted to quit? Those words were not the words I wanted my son to have to ask me that day. I wanted to keep seeing him run up to me with water and nutrition. I wanted to hear him tell me he ate one of my salts and liked it.

Nick sat there in the front seat just telling us he was waiting for a moment. Whistler and I confused at why we weren't leaving yet. I didn't want to go to the finish line and face everyone. I didn't want to talk to anyone in person about my failure.
After what felt like 20 minutes of sitting on the side of the road in the car wrapped up in a warm blanket, I knew in my heart Nick was waiting for me to get back out of the car and continue on to finish the race. I saw this look in his eyes that I had not seen before and I knew he didn't want me to feel the pain of quitting. I could tell he would have done anything for me, so I wouldn't have to experience DNF'ing.
I wondered where Tonya was at this point running and a few minutes later here she came running up the hill.
I rolled down the window. I told her my right leg was in so much pain and I'm pulling out of the race. She tried to convince me just to walk with her and I said I couldn't do it. I said I couldn't walk 10 more miles and make my family sit in the car while I did that. I couldn't make her walk with me and jeopardize her race either.
I knew that pulling out of the race was exactly what I needed to do. She gave me a hug goodbye and continued on her way to her finish.

As I get older I realize harming my body (like I have done so many times in my past) and putting it through huge amounts of pain just isn't the right thing to do anymore.
I love running and of course I never wanted to experience quitting a race and not crossing the finish line. I also didn't want to possibly do more damage to my right leg  than what I might have already done.
When you're running and something painful strikes, you never really know if it's serious or just a flaw in the moment. My mind tried telling me that I cannot afford to be injured. My job is teaching fitness and I cannot afford to miss work. I have two children that are very active and playful. Had my right leg been something serious, I cannot afford to miss out on taking care of my kiddos. I had no idea what the worst outcome could have been had I continued the last 10 miles or so. At one point there was such an intense pain shooting up my leg, that it felt on fire. I didn't know then and I don't know now what was going on. I'm not in nearly as much pain as I was, however; I am still a bit sore today. I was so sore on Sunday ( the day after the race), but you know what that didn't stop me from teaching spin, 4 rounds of HIIT (I participated in 3 rounds) and yoga after that. Teaching fitness is my job, I could not have done what I did on Sunday had I created a possible injury for myself. I couldn't get down on the floor, picked up my daughter, played with my kiddos had I done something worse. Does anyone understand this or am I just making up excuses for not finishing.  Do you choose family over racing or anything similar to this happen to you before???

This morning I took my son back to school after Christmas break. My daughter and I took a little walk around the neighborhood. My legs still a bit sore, especially when I walked down one of our hills. I could feel it in my knee just a bit. I've been icing and icing and rolling out my muscles. I hope this will go away after taking some time to recover and rest. Has anyone experienced this type or pain before???

As for right now, I'll moving on from this DNF the best I know how to. I will not allow it to keep me down longer than it needs to.
This week my parents fly in from Florida for a visit, which I'm looking forward too.

And this upcoming weekend I'll be in training with the Les Mills Sprint program all day Saturday & Sunday at The Club Kona and I'm definitely looking forward to all this spinning!!!

As far as racing goes, next up is running in the mixed relay for the Lavaman triathlon with Rich & Pat.

Thank you for reading and a Very Happy New Year to everyone! May you not have to experience a DNF at any point this year!! And a very special thank you to the race, everyone supporting, and to my family for loving me even though I may have disappointed you. I love you Nick, Whistler, and Hutson for loving me as much as you do................


Thursday, December 28, 2017

My Race Recap: Honolulu Marathon 2017

2017 has been nothing short of a tough year all around. Having a newborn in the house, learning to raise two children instead of just one, having to move during the Holiday Season because the house we rented was sold, and learning to balance Motherhood & Fitness as best as I can, has brought me many different kinds of challenges. These challenges, I can now reflect upon and be grateful for, despite the fact that I felt like I was falling apart all year long.

Thinking of racing Honolulu Marathon 2017, was definitely not an option. My postpartum body had felt completely foreign, in such a way I wasn't sure I'd ever feel like myself again. I experienced quite a few ups and downs after having my second child. I thought I would come back faster and stronger like I did after my first child, but it's been anything but fast and strong. Well maybe strong in some aspects and in others not as strong as I had hoped to be, as I wanted to be.
I've had to learn and I am still learning how to balance this whole motherhood and fitness concept. Sometimes I feel so lost at how to be a really good mother and be really good at Fitness (all aspects of my fitness including: teaching classes, motivating others to maintain a fitness routine, running, and of course trying to find time for my yoga practice.)
There have been days where I barely can even get in front of my students to teach them fitness because I feel like such a failure at my own fitness. Here I am trying to motivate and encourage others to stay on their path, and stay true to their Journey and stay in the moment of exactly where they're at and yet I can't even do it myself. It doesn't feel easy and maybe easy isn't what I'm supposed to be feeling.
So when I thought about doing the Honolulu Marathon this year, I was nothing but a mess in my thoughts. I couldn't seem to get myself just to say yes I'm going to go run the marathon, I'm so excited, and this is exactly what I need to do to prove exactly who I am. It didn't work like that, not at all like that. There were days that I just sat there with my hands on my head questioning if I'd ever feel normal again, if I would ever feel like myself running again. I feel completely frustrated at trying to achieve this fitness goal or dream of mine. I felt like all dreams or ideas that I had with running were just falling apart. To the point I didn't even know if I wanted to get out the door and go for a run anymore.
I was falling out of the moment and falling into expectations that I had for myself. I was impatient and unkind to this postpartum body. I was expecting it to be something that it just wasn't. 
When I thought to myself about running the Honolulu Marathon 2017, I felt like it would be an easier escape to not go. I thought I could excuse myself from the race due to the fact that financial struggles were taking place - I thought I could/should blame it on that.
I suppose I was searching for excuses, maybe to avoid the fact that I didn't feel strong enough to go run the marathon. I didn't feel like I could accomplish my big time 3:15 goal that I've had for myself. I tried to tell myself if I wasn't going to be fast, I didn't need to go run at all.
But, as the days were closing in on race day and the Honolulu Marathon was getting closer and closer, my heart wouldn't let the idea of going down. I knew deep inside of myself I wanted to run the Honolulu Marathon -no matter if it was going to be my slowest race of all times, I wanted to be there at the starting line. I wanted to be there just as much as everyone else wanted to be there.
This race is so important to me. This race holds a very special place in my heart, that I did not want to pass up.
I had to change my thinking and tune into the real reasons that I enjoy running. I knew for a fact no matter what anybody tried to tell me, a "PR" was not going to happen for me this year. I know there was no way I could accomplish running a 3:15 marathon pace.
I'm quite in tune with my own body and I know for a fact that my body was not capable of running a 3:15 this year. Putting that idea aside, I decided I would go run because I love to run. I knew how much I loved running this marathon.
After things were beginning to fall into place with ticket purchase (thanks to my sister for treating me for my birthday), the race was already paid for (early bird purchase at resident rate) and hotel accommodations we're good to go (because my sister already had that all set up for herself,) I knew the rest was up to me. It was up to me to get out of bed race morning and get myself to the starting line. That's the easy part for runner's!!! No runner wants to miss a race, so setting an alarm, and double checking the couch throughout the night is part of the process getting oneself to the starting line.
Okay anyways, let's move forward with my
Race Recap:

This year was different. 
It was different in many ways emotionally & physically. I showed up at the starting line just like those other 20+ thousand other individuals. This year - My heart didn't beat like it did all those other times. I felt lost, I felt numb, and I felt confused. I didn't have those butterflies in my stomach. I didn't find my running partner at the porta potty like I had the previous two marathon races. I didn't cry when the fireworks when off and trust me I always cry when the fireworks go off. I missed my family more than I imagined I would. I missed my two children and I missed Nick being a part of this comeback moment with me. Nothing felt like I anticipated it to be. 

Maybe it was the mommy hormones kicking in. Whatever the reason, before I knew it I was running across the starting line timing mat. I was running with thousands of other runners from all over the world. I thought at that moment it was time for me to create a plan for myself (ha ha anyone else create a race plan the day of the race?)
I know I wasn't capable of a marathon 3:15 pace, so I decided to work with what I was capable of. The miles seemed to pass by quickly. It's funny the longer you run, the shorter the miles become. It's like I blinked and I was already passing the halfway timing mat. Maybe running into my running partner near mile 10 helped. We smiled, we chatted for a moment, and she even managed to click a selfie of the two of us. She was exactly what I needed in order for myself to feel something that day. It was like she was my firework! She got me excited to be running!! 
Shortly after the selfie, we parted ways. I was holding steady and holding my bladder. I didn't want to use the bathroom, so I continued to hold my bladder until mile 17 which them I couldn't run with that "uncomfortable feeling" any longer. My bladder is weaker after two babies and the bathroom was the best pit stop by far. Just saying!!
Don't worry I didn't spend much time waisted, I got right back on course and into my groove again as if I never stopped in the first place. 
I couldn't believe I was almost near the "Hit the Wall" mile. You know that mile where everything could possibly fall apart? Well nothing fell apart because I didn't really have anything to give. I was just running. I was running without expectations. I was running to test out my new pair of Mizuno's (The Wave Rider 21's.) 
Which by the way, I ended up wearing my PATRIOT BLUE-WHITE pair... I did get one blister on my second toe (right foot.) I know the nail should have been removed before the run, but I never got around to taking care of that. Lol. Anyways I think the blister was mostly from that toenail, maybe a little from the rain ( but my feet weren't really that wet to be honest) so maybe the blister could have been from the shoes, but I wouldn't bet money on it. Who really knows or really cares. The blister did not effect my race in any way, so really it doesn't matter how I got it! I will say the Mizuno shoes were extremely comfortable, maybe a little too comfortable. 
Again thank you Mizuno & Fitfluential for the opportunity to wear and review #Waverider21 shoe. If you didn't have the opportunity to read my review - click here.
Anyways, back to the race, of yeah well 3 miles to go. A bit slower by this point and a few walks through and stations. Okay okay, maybe more walking than just through aid stations. My legs felt heavy by this point. Knees didn't feel like they wanted to bend much and well my feet were tired and so was my stomach. My stomach was kinda over gels & salts & the typical race day grinds...
Just then I saw the finish line and knew this race was almost over. Basically, just like that - Another year and another Honolulu Marathon in the books finishing time of 4:00:59...

2018 is literally around the corner and as far as racing is planned, I'll be heading back for my 3rd run at the Hilo To Volcano 50k (running from sea level to 4,000 feet.) January 6, 2018 will set the tone early in the morning, early in the season. I will be there with the others willing to challenge themselves, as we run the distance. My goal as of today for my 3rd 50k, other than finish of course, is..... Well I'm not really quite sure. I'm still in the process of putting my plan of action together according to what I know I'm capable of and what I'm actually capable of in this moment... I'll be sure to keep you posted!!!

Until then, I wish you all A Happy New Year!!!!!!


Thursday, December 7, 2017

My Mizuno Review: Wave Rider 21

If you are familiar with Mizuno, then you know they are constantly seeking new ways to improve the Technology of their shoes. They want the runner to have the overall best experience running in their shoes. Just one of the reasons why I am a big fan. Why my feet are a big fans!

My love for Mizuno is no secret. I've worn numerous "Neutral" running pairs in the past - I'd say the (Mizuno Wave Rider 21 revamped design) are right up there with the love I have for - slightly beneath, but close to the Sayonara's (sorry but the Sayonara's are my absolute favorite out of all the Mizuno's I've worn. However, the Sayonara's are not what I'm reviewing right now.) 
Back to the point. Since I am wearing & reviewing the Mizuno Wave Rider 21 shoe (thank you Mizuno & Fitfluential for this opportunity) here is what I do have to say (my thoughts, my opinions):

The Wave Rider 21's are definitely Comfortable & very Supportive. My feet feel protected all the way around. They are very much so Sustainable & Durable to outlast consistent pounding on the pavement (I have not yet tested them on the treadmill.) They have plenty of cushion without that bulky or heavy feel to them. 
And who doesn't like fun colored shoes, don't worry they offer a variety of cool colors (I have two pair right now: HIGH-RISE-GRAYSTONE and PATRIOT BLUE-WHITE.) 

The Mizuno Wave Rider 21 are designed, not only for the Long distant Marathoners, but also the everyday runner and for the new beginner runners too. And let's not forget about the stroller pushing moms (like myself) and also those runners who have taken a break. This particular shoe has been designed for you too! When you're ready to get back to running it will be waiting for you. As long as you have a "Neutral" foot, these shoes could be the shoes you've always been looking for. I'd say these shoes are definitely well fitted for my feet. They do not disappoint me! I'd like to think they won't disappoint you either. 
The best part so far - I have not experienced any pain in my toes (prior to this past weekends Marathon, I had only worn them during my shorter training runs, but so far no pain), no pain in my heels (must be that softer heel counter) no pain to the souls of my feet, and no blisters ( well actually one blister on my second toe, but that's not because of this shoe.)
Luckily, I haven't had to worry about blisters with any pair of Mizuno I've ever worn no matter the style (again thank you Mizuno.) 

I highly recommend heading over to the Mizuno Website (which is very easy to navigate & very good at answering any and all questions you might have) and to learn more about the Mizuno Wave Rider 21 (as they have broken the design down for you piece by piece. My explanation could not do justice. Lol) 
And just in case you are not a fan of the two colors I've chosen; like I mentioned earlier, Mizuno does have other colors available.
Check them out by clicking:  ( Home Page) ( Men's Wave Rider 21 Page) ( Women's Wave Rider 21 Page)

My only dilemma was trying to decide which color of shoe to wear in the Honolulu Marathon ( this past Sunday) - you'll have to keep following my story if you want to find out which color I chose to run 26.2 in!!! I know I have more to say after running 26.2 miles in my Wave Rider 21's (as that time spent out there running the Marathon has now given me more of an idea of what the shoes are really made of.) I'll be sure to continue my review when I write my race recap! Stay tuned!! But first let me mention the fact that it rained during the race. These shoes handled the rain like no big deal. No slushy puddled filled shoes over here. That's right, the breathable mesh reduces heat and humidity build-up during performance. I've worn shoes before that doll up with water and love my feet soaked in puddles, not these.

As for now - this is my review!
Thank you for reading - My Marathon Recap will be coming soon. Stay Tuned!!


This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Mizuno. The opinions and text are all mine.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Why I Wear PrAna

As I sit here thinking about the world we live in today, I cannot help but shed a tear. Before I write about PrAna, I would like to ask each & every reader to please take a moment of silence & set your intentions, affirmations, or prayers for our world (all aspects of our world.) May these intentions, these affirmations, these prayers be from a place of love & compassion for ourselves & for all others. May they be felt & may they be heard all around the world... 

1.What do you stand for? 
2.What is your mission?? 
3.Who are you in this world??? 

I may not know exactly what my mission is while being here on this earth, my purpose in life and maybe you don't either. Maybe you or I have a general idea of things we are good at and things we can accomplish, or maybe a gift we can share with others; however, do you feel there is something more you have to offer? I do? I truly believe I do. One thing I have learned through this particular company I will talk about today is this: creating a mission for the better good will leave you filled with opportunity and experiences. Experiences of our own kind! The adventure seekers will be set free. Clothing like this will most Definitely, Absolutely fit into your healthy and active lifestyle. Yes, these experiences, opportunities, and fair trade fashions will benefit your life, but they will also benefit the life of others. Near and far we are all one, we are connected on some level. 

With further ado, I would like to introduce to you to today (PrAna)
PrAna is more than your average clothing line, nowhere near as cheap as Forever 21, but if you're not looking for cheap and average then go ahead and join all the other adventure seekers who wish to do more good for the environment and for their healthy lifestyle. I do believe PrAna has made it their mission to live for you, me, our families & friends, for this world we live. When a company uses their own personal experiences in the process of creating a reputable clothing line, that is in my opinion, changing the way clothing is made, you know you're on your way to feel something better than good. Feeling good is definitely part of what I seek from living a healthy and active lifestyle. As a part of their audience who has experienced more than one outfit with PrAna, I feel I am somewhat qualified to share with my readers my personal thoughts, opinions, and information I have learned about this particular company with all of you. I hope you will agree. And in return I hope you feel comfortable to share your thoughts and adventures with me.

We know our world is in desperate need of change, in need of love, and in need of support in more ways than one. Creating a change in the way clothing are fundamentally made, from what I have gathered about this company, is about Inspiring, Educating, and Setting the adventure seekers FreeBecause PrAna offers recycled wool, recycled polyesterorganic, hemp, sustainable, fair trade items you know they will be suitable for any adventure or any journey you set out on. 
Take a look at this directly from PrAna's website: The Not Impossible Mission of the Conscious Consumer It is obvious their love for their audience and their love for the environment is indeed about giving back. Please take a look at how they do indeed give back to local and international charities for instance - throughout the year they contribute to ( well click the link and please read for yourself) it is remarkable! 

Check this out: PrAna uses "materials and partners with specific companies and factories that adhere to strict guidelines for safety and efficacy." (Quoted directly from PrAna themselves)

With every purchase you make with PrAna and every gift you give, it has an impact (positive impact) on our environment. You can't help but feel great about the items you wear and the gifts you give. I know how PrAna makes me feel: comfortable, awakened, adventurous, at peace in my own skin to mention just a few. 

I have been blessed by the opportunities I receive in collaboration with PrAna. I have been through seasons with PrAna and time and time again I fall absolutely in love with their mission, their product line, their people who stand for what they believe in. I know when I open my closet and reach in for my PrAna leggings, I will be more than happy while wearing them. Don't you feel good when you know the clothes you wear are made with love? Doesn't it make you smile knowing the clothes you wear were created with a purpose to inspire people to get outdoors and enjoy all that life truly has to offer. Knowingly, that the clothing I wear from PrAna is safe for the environment gives me that extra push to go play with nature. I can jump into our Hawaii oceans trusting the materials my clothing are made from will not be harmful to the environment that lives deep below the surface of these oceans. I can practice yoga across hardened lava fields without worrying that my clothing will get snagged or completely fall apart. It makes my life just a bit sweeter and the environment a whole lot happier!


PrAna is versatile! Believe me, I would tell you if I disagreed. I make sure that the clothing I wear for my adventures are able to keep up with me. I admit I am far from fashionable, but when I wear clothing from PrAna I feel these designs make me look good (oh does this make me sound conceded? I sure hope not, I'm just telling it how I see myself in these designs.) I'm usually a bit shy when it comes to practicing in front of people in public. I like to find quiet spaces with very few if not anyone around me (unless of course I am practicing in a studio/gym local, or teaching.) It's almost as if my fear of being seen disappears when I'm with PrAna. Do you feel me? 
Maybe on some level of subconsciousness, I know that the people behind these designs, have mindfully made this outfit specifically for me (I giggle as I write this.) I can pretend can't I. But seriously, my worries float away and I become comfortable in my own skin, in the clothes I am in. I become free to carry on as if no one was watching me. For this, I thank PrAna themselves for giving the extra dose of confidence within each design. We all know confidence travels a long way!!! And I have more traveling to do!!!

As humans, I believe we have a responsibility to be good people. We have a responsibility to protect the environment. We have a responsibility to dig deep, spread our roots, and grow. We don't just stop educating ourselves, we don't stop developing, we don't stop inspiring, and we don't stop growing. We continue to better ourselves and the people around us. The people around us better themselves and will continue to do so. It's about giving back more than we take and that is exactly what PrAna tends to do. They give and give and give and continue giving. They stand by their one and only core belief, which is this: "GIVE BACK MORE THAN WE TAKE FROM THE WORLD."  

A Little about my outfit I am wearing: 
You know by now my outfit (top & bottom) are made by PrAna. This outfit is a women's designed outfit which you can purchase for yourself too. My top: Deedra Sweater Tunic in White, but also available in Auburn, Coal, and Dark Plum. My bottoms: Caraway Tight in Black Birdeye also available in Cargo Green. 
Both my top and bottom are available in multiple sizes according to your specific needs. My top is made of - 53% Organic Cotton / 26% Acrylic / 13% Polyester / 8% Wool and my bottoms are made of - bluesign© certified fabric, 94% Recycled Polyester/6% Spandex Textured Jacquard Performance Knit. 
Again I mention, both my top & bottom are environmentally friendly. Good to know, Right? Please, if this is not your style, feel free to explore their website for all other designs they offer. I am positive you will find something that is to your liking. I am offering a special DISCOUNT CODE in which you can save yourself 15% off your purchase at the time of your checkout. Just simply enter this code: FFBM17 which is available Now through November 22nd.

Please join me in the PrAna Experience. Take my hand and lets go on an adventure together.

Light Weight - Soft Performance

Versatile, Sustainable, Fashionable, Flexible, Environmentally Friendly, Designed with a Purpose, Designed with LOVE.

Setting the adventure seekers FREE. 

With Love,
Brooke Myers

*** Thank you Fitfluential & PrAna for blessing me with this opportunity and thank you to all of my readers for taking the time to read my words. I hope you will leave inspired to become a doer. A doer or your own adventures, a doer of educating yourselves about the clothing you wear and will purchase in the future. A doer of bettering our environment!!! 

Remember to ask yourself this: 
1.What do you stand for? 
2.What is your mission?? 
3.Who are you in this world???

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of PrAna . The opinions and text are all mine.