Saturday, September 12, 2015

National Yoga Month!


I do believe I am strong enough to live this life I have been given

    September is National Yoga Month! What does this even mean? National Yoga Month is a national observance designated by the Department of Health and Human Services designed to educate people about the health benefits of yoga and to inspire a healthy lifestyle. 
     If you have been practicing yoga for quite some time, by now you have come to understand that yoga is more than just these fun poses and awesome patterned stretchy pants. Yoga is your own lifestyle, It does NOT discriminate!
Just a few of my favorite leggings come from (Alo yoga, Prana, Lululemon, American Eagle Outfitters, With Love from Paradise).

    I was first introduced to yoga back in college. We had a Bikram Yoga Studio on our street, I lived on at that time. My roommates and myself decided to try it out, knowing very little about this particular style of yoga. I was only going to get my fitness on anyways, or so I thought.
We walked into the studio, signed ourselves in and headed into the room. It was dark, quiet, hot, full of yoga mats throughout, hot, and people breathing, people laying backside down, and did I mention HOT!!!
I was overly dressed and I think my roommates most likely were too. The class began and if you have been into a true Bikram Inspired class you know exactly what happens for the next 90 minutes. By the time we walked out of there, we were covered in sweat from head to toe and I absolutely loved it. But, being in college with little money, I only went back once or twice more. I wished I could have kept going back because it probably could have helped me heal my Eating Disorder a whole lot sooner, but life had a different plan which would come later...

It wouldn't be until a few years later, when I moved to the Big Island of Hawaii that I walked into another yoga class. This time yoga was different. I walked in with an Eating Disorder and lots and lots of Mental stress, so for me yoga started once again, as something I could use to help me to lose weight.
This time, I immediately felt different! I felt for the very first time I could breathe, like this large rock was finally lifted off of my chest and I could breathe. And if you have been following me for sometime, you know where this story is going and some of the many details in between. I won't go into depth repeating myself, but I do have to say that instantly I was drawn to yoga. I wanted to walk into a yoga class every opportunity I could. I didn't care that I didn't have all the expensive yoga apparel or a really nice yoga mat at the time. I wanted to get lost on my mat and out of my head as quickly as I could. I wanted to be free from the long lasting battle with bulimia, I wanted to be free.

So, my story, of how I started yoga began with an intention of losing weight and working out even though it was supposed to be something fun for my roommates and I to do together that was different. My story, of how I started yoga continues on the daily trying to live this life I have been given the best I know how, as strong as I can. My story, of how I started yoga grows every single day. Each time I step onto my mat, I feel is a brand new opportunity to begin again. So for me, I have a new start everyday. I learn something different each time I read through my yoga books, each time I practice with a new teacher, talk to another yogi, or lay down my mat.I don't always know exactly what I have learned in the moment, but it usually reveals itself to me at some point or another.

What are your favorite Yoga Books to Read?

I am beyond inspired by all of you (friends, family, yoga teachers, social media yogi's, students, etc, etc!) I love hearing the stories of other yogis and how their practice began. I am incredibly inspired by my students. Each time they (you who are reading this) show up to class, I am full of gratitude for what this life has offered me, by having all of you as my students. Really you are more than just students to me, you are my teachers because I am constantly learning from all of you.You have become my friends, my inspiration.

If I had a picture to insert of each and everyone of you, I would place it here for the world to see! Instead I will leave you with this ~

True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. Yoga is not to be performed; yoga is to be lived. Yoga doesn’t care about what you have been; yoga cares about the person you are becoming. Yoga is designed for a vast and profound purpose, and for it to be truly called yoga, its essence must be embodied.” — Aadil Palkhivala


~ Just Breathe

Brooke Myers

Do you practice Yoga? I would love to hear your story, your thoughts. Please be inspired to share!

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