Saturday, March 26, 2016

Treat it like a training day.

What's my mommy going to do??? That's the question???

Are you going to race or treat it like a training day? That was the big question.

First marathon of the year and one to be proud of for many reasons. But, just to name a few: winning in my mind, breaking 4 hours on a training day, and feeling more sore than I've felt in a long time from any run!

Big Island International Marathon aka Hilo Marathon is nothing shy of wonderful. The first time I ran this race was in 2014. The course is truly beautiful. Sometimes it rains, sometimes not. You never know who is going to show up race day to lead the men & women's overall. You run along the ocean, up hills, down hills, through the neighborhood where they cheer from inside their house: you can't see them, but you can hear them. I just wave to acknowledge that I appreciate their support & cheers.

However; this year was different than the last two years. This year, I had to question myself whether or not to race, or treat it like another training day back in Kona. I wasn't sure that mentally I'd be able to go into the start of this marathon and not race it. I wasn't sure I'd know how to treat it like any other training day. Truthfully, I wasn't sure I could control myself from getting caught up in the excitement.

About two weeks prior to the race I got sick. Dealing with an ear & sinus infection, I was unsure if I was going to run the race anyways. I had felt pretty crummy, lacked a week of training - which isn't really that much of a loss, and had been dealing with headaches from hell. I got myself put together the best I could and did exactly as I would have done whether I was sick or not. Hydration & nutrition just as any other day.

I was excited as I got to the starting line. This year it was raining, which I actually enjoy quite a bit. 10 minute start delay due to flooding on course and finally the race began. Immediately, I found my zone. The words began talking in my head " Do not race and Do not chase." It was as if my mind already knew exactly what my body wanted to do for me that day. " Do not race and do not chase" continued playing in my mind every single mile. From that moment, I never questioned what my purpose running Big Island International Marathon was.

My purpose was to treat the marathon like another training day. Deep down in my heart, in my mind, in my body, I knew my 100 miler was/is my goal for the year. These extra races are all added bonuses to my training. Everything I've been learning about ultra distant running has played an important role in training. It's not about speed anymore; it's more about endurance.

Slow & steady finished the race.

The miles ended up slightly faster here and slower there, but considering everything I finished strong. I knew I was a bit more tired from being sick, but "come on and get over this crap already" is what I've been thinking. Ooohhh and I was starving. At mile 24ish, I remember how starving I was. Training for my 100 mile run, I'm learning to eat smaller quantities during the run, but more frequently than I do in just marathon training. I try not to allow myself to reach that point of starving, let alone hungry. It's somewhat different from the typical marathon training & racing I've been used to. But either way, I finished. I treated my marathon just like it was another training day. And now the 100 mile training must continue.............. Ready to get back on track and get to some of these longer mileage run days. Prepping for a 50 mile run is next, according to the plan...

Representing Run Big - Big Island Running Company!

A big congrats to The Big Island International Marathon as they are now a qualifying race for the Boston Marathon. Pretty Cool!!! Come run next year as they also celebrate their 20th year!!

Thanks for the fun weekend Nick, Whistler, and to my sister Bree. Good times with family always helps make things feel better, even when you're not feeling all that well.

Thank you to my Hilo friends for making a point to cheer & chat & snap a few photos, you guys rock!

All smiles

Top 3 female: 3,1,2

Family trip to Big island candies ( prepping for Easter)

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